Setting Boundaries

You are your best advocate and worst critic. Sometimes it’s hard to know which version of you will show up! Here are some steps to put in place to step into your role as advocate for your own health:

Identify your own personal goals. Set yourself up for success by putting a time frame on them. For example, rather than saying “I want to lose 20 pounds,” an alternative is “I will choose a fruit or vegetable as my midday snack and will go for a 15-minute walk after dinner for the next 10 days.” It is measurable and achievable, giving you boundaries that set you up for success.

Take 5 minutes each morning to focus your energy on the positive. Give yourself a breath between waking up and absorbing the day’s frenzy. Create a mantra for yourself that rings true for you so you can start your day ready to accept the present with open arms. Consider “I am irreplaceably me. I am able to take on today’s ups and downs with grace and ease.”

Notice moments in your day when you’re feeling overwhelmed or out of control. See what is triggering you. Time of day? Lack of healthy food or low on water? Work, friends, spouses, kids? Being able to identify the circumstance will allow you to notice the shift happening earlier each time.

Quiet your mind and be still. If you feel yourself sliding into negative thought patterns or self-talk, quiet your mind and be still. Sit with yourself and acknowledge that these negative thoughts do not serve you. Consider the thought and address it by thinking “I see these negative thought patterns. But they do not serve me or encourage me to be my best self. I choose to release these thoughts and move toward happiness and positivity.”

Stand up for your wellbeing. Excuse yourself from toxic conversations, set up time limits for social media use, proudly remove unhealthy foods from your kitchen and replace them with whole foods and healthy fuel to treat your body to the fuel it deserves. Taking pride in making change means priorities shift toward supporting you and your overall wellbeing. Making a small daily shift in prioritizing small healthful choices will create more space for greater steps in the future.


Say Yes


Why It’s Good to Fail